0131 557 1188
The Scottish Veterans' Garden City Association (Inc) (SVGCA) founded in 1915 is a Registered Scottish Charity No SC003174 and a Company Limited by Guarantee. Company Registration No 10795 . Houses for Heroes Scotland is the official appeal name owned by SVGCA.
We are pleased to work in partnership with 
Housing Application
All housing applications are co-ordinated through the Veterans Scotland Central Housing Register, which you can access here www.veteransscotland.co.uk or you can call Veterans Scotland Housing directly on 0131 550 1595
Tuesday October 9th 2012
Tuesday October 9th 2012
Tuesday October 9th 2012
Tuesday October 9th 2012
Tuesday October 9th 2012
Sunday July 29th 2012
Saturday June 23rd 2012